Well, by now most people…..at least most Americans….have heard of the “Word of The Year”. It’s been around long enough now that it’s pretty common practice and a great many people have jumped on the bandwagon. As for myself I’ve been doing this for the last eight years.
2022 will be my ninth year!
Here are my previous words. You can click the link to read about them and why I chose them for myself: Purposeful, Mindset, Serve, Intentional, Joy, Gratitude, Christlike and Everlasting
And, what is this years word you ask????

My word for 2022 is “RESOLUTE”.
Definition: “Admirably purposeful, determined, and unwavering”. A resolute character is “bold, steady”.
And, if you noticed that my very first word of the year is “Purposeful” and you’re thinking they’re the same thing I would like to point out that they’re, in fact, not. Not quite. To be resolute is to be purposeful with more of a purpose….more intent, more determination, more resolve. To be firm, unyielding no matter the setbacks. That’s my aim this year.

As I’ve grown over the years I realize my shortcomings more and more and what I need to work on as a human being on this earth. Some of the things I’ve learned about myself I sooooo wish I could go back in time and impart them to the younger Sheri. To help guide her in her life as she travelled through the years with all that life has to give…..and take.
I think at my age and where I’m at in life…. and given the nature of my personality….being more resolute in my goals and actions is a good word to focus on.

Like many people I’m extremely confident in some areas of my life, extremely comfortable in my own skin and content with who I am overall. And, yet in other areas I’m less confident…. less sure of what I’m worthy of accomplishing in this life, less sure of what I’m worthy of receiving in this life.
Do you ever feel that way?
I’m not sure what it is in my life, in my background that makes me stop short of unzipping the cocoon I’ve wrapped myself in and flying away with new, beautiful wings. Wings that soar! Can anyone relate to that? I’m determined to try and do just that this year. I’ve got some goals and plans that I would like to see accomplished in my lifetime….before I leave this earthly realm to go reside in heaven. Goals that require me to let go of the limiting beliefs I tend to set on myself:
Do I deserve this?
Am I worthy?
Who am I to expect such things?

I know these are self-imposed limited beliefs, but they’re there none-the-less and they have to be addressed before I can unlock the cocoon I’ve trapped myself in.

And, that is why I’m focusing this year on the word “resolute”. I’m going to approach this year and my goals and plans with a resolute spirit. Purposefully, boldy, steadily determined to overcome these limited beliefs and grow. I want to unzip the cocoon and fly away as a butterfly…..accomplishing all that I’m capable of and being the “Sheri” that God created me to be. Because in limiting my own beliefs – I’m limiting the human I was created to be and all the potential God has given me.
God says I am “fearfully and wonderfully made” and therefore I am resolute in becoming all that I was created to be and all that I am capable of being.

Here’s to being resolute in 2022!
Love the word resolute!!! I definitely think a butterfly is in your future, my friend!!! You have a divine purpose and God is going to supply all you need to unzip that cocoon!!
You’re so sweet Vickie. Thank you so much for that encouragement! I really, really appreciate it!
I admire you so much Sheri!! I wouldn’t even think you have any limiting beliefs because you are so confident with a strong mindset. Thank you for being vulnerable and sharing. I know God will do exceedingly, abundantly more than you can think or imagine in your life.
Thank you Lynn! Your friendship and encouragement mean so much to me! Love you!