Well, it’s that time of year again isn’t it?
Time for the new “word of the year“. Have you done this before? I’ve been doing it for years. I think most people have heard of it at this point, but for those of you who haven’t it’s simply a word you choose to focus on for the year and amplify in your life. Previous words for me have been: Purposeful, Mindset, Serve, Intentional, Joy, Gratitude, Christlike
Click each “Word of the Year” to read the reason behind each of them.
This year my word is…..drumroll please…..EVERLASTING!

And, this verse explains why. Because this life here on earth is not all there is. It’s a segue (i.e. segway) into the next life. The EVERLASTING life.
And, that’s something people have a hard time remembering.
This life is not the END ALL, BE ALL. It’s just not. And, the sooner we can all grasp this the better we will be.

Just like this quote from none other than William Shakespeare: “Heaven – the treasure of everlasting life”.
When I was trying to determine my word this year this word jumped out at me I think because of all the turmoil and unrest in our country and in our world today. It’s a lot to digest every morning when we get up without letting it get to you and affect your day with worry, stress or strain. But, when I stop and remember that this isn’t our one and only life…..that it continues on….I find rest and comfort in that. In the everlasting. If I were to have a phrase of the year it would be to “Magnify the Everlasting”. I feel a sense of urgency to understand this truth and share it with others. TO MAGNIFY THIS TRUTH: THIS ISN’T OUR ONLY LIFE!

Notice this verse in Deuteronomy says the “eternal” God? (Eternal – lasting or existing forever; without end or beginning) This is why in the midst of worldwide chaos, and our own country’s brand of chaos there is comfort in knowing that God is our refuge and that his everlasting arms are under us to carry us through to eternity. Don’t you agree?

I’ve watched numerous YouTube videos regarding near death experiences (or NDE’s) where people explain that when they “died” they were more alive than ever. All their senses were so much “more”. So much more intense, so much more heightened. I would highly recommend these podcasts to you just so you can hear firsthand what some of these people have gone through. They refer to seeing Jesus and communicating with him, what heaven looks and feels like. It’s astounding really. And, it validates what the Bible says and is trying to prepare us for. Just go to YouTube and do a search for NDE’s or Near Death Experiences.
So rest assured….when the chaos seems overwhelming…Jesus is ready and more that willing to walk with us through this temporary life here on earth and then carry us through to the next life.
The everlasting life in eternity with him.
So if you haven’t already…..reach out to Jesus, give your life over to him and let him lead you through the chaos of life here on earth so he can lead you to the everlasting way.
And, then…..MAGNIFY THE EVERLASTING to others as you walk your path through this life here on earth.
Happy Life By Design My Friends!!