Yep, it’s that time again…….“word of the year” time. Have you heard of this? I’m thinking by now you have, because over the years it’s become more and more popular to do so more and more people have become familiar with it. This is actually something I’ve done for the last six years. This is my seventh year so now that it’s the start of the new year what better time to introduce my new word for 2020.
Drumroll please…….my word of the year this year is “purposeful”.

There are a number of reasons I chose this word at this time and I’m hoping that having this as my word this year will make me ever mindful of living with purpose….in all aspects of my life. The older I get the more I realize that I want to live my life with purpose and not just float from one day to the next not realizing the potential that each day brings. And, not remembering the value there is in each day.
Over the course of the last six years my words have been: Christlike, Gratitude, Joy, Intentional, Serve and
You can click into each of these words if you’d like to read my “why”.
This year the choice to go with the word “Purposeful” is a direct attempt in my own heart, mind and soul to be aware of the importance of this way of life. Living purposefully. It’s so easy to get caught up in just the act of living day to day….falling blindly into step with the frenzied highs and lows of life until our days can simply become a blurry whirlwind of mindless activities….or lack of activities in some cases…..just blending in from one day to the next. We can be hyper-busy with mindless details or fall into the trap of being a blob…..blobbing around from one day to the next.
And, actually – if I’m honest here – I’ve been guilty of both.
And, that’s not to say that some of that is just a natural part of life, right? Sometimes we are just busy with trivial busy work that needs to get done and other times we are so wiped out all we want to do is lay around and read, nap or watch TV. And, truthfully, there’s a time and place for both of those things.
That’s not a way to live life routinely and not the way to have meaning and purpose in your life.

At some point there needs to be more. I think this is an awareness that comes to us all at random times, but especially as we get older and the brevity and quality of life is a real “thing” to consider. When you cross that threshold of sixty years old you tend to question things like, “How much longer do I have left on this earth?”…..”How much longer will I be physically healthy”….”How much longer will I be mentally healthy?”…..”Have I had any meaningful impact on those around me?”….”What kind of legacy will I leave behind”…”What does all this mean?”
And, in my case as a Christian, my biggest question is … would the Lord like me to use the rest of my life here? What does that look like? What is my purpose these next 25 to 30 years on this earth? (Or whatever time I have left.)

I know I’ve had many wasted days and moments in my life, but as I gaze into the future I’d like to see that less and less. Will I have crazy, mindless, busy days…..yes…..Will I have lazy, do-nothing days…of, course! But, this year (and all the rest of my years here on earth) I choose to concentrate on being purposeful with my life overall….especially when it comes to serving the Lord and glorifying Him. I don’t know if you’re a Christian or of another faith, but for me….as a Christian…I feel the Lord speaking loudly and clearly… purposeful, Sheri……live a life of purpose!

Just as this quote says…I want to go forward in my life with great purpose in heart.
The older I get the more I love the Lord and seek to know Him.
And, this has lead me to a serious realization….
He is my great purpose. Sharing His love and His truth….that is my great purpose. Glorifying Him is my great purpose.
So while living a purposeful life entails a great multitude of things…this, I’ve determined, is what I mean for living a “purposeful” life: It’s a purposeful life that glorifies the Lord.
Exactly how does this look in my life on a day to day basis? I don’t really know. I’m searching and seeking and striving to learn how and what this looks like. But, this I do know….having chosen “Purposeful” as my word this year makes it ever more present in my mind and in my day to day. I’m going to be open to the Lord’s direction and see where He leads me with this.

I believe this statement above is true…..especially if you are living the life the Lord has called you to live. I believe He is calling me to live a life with purpose for His glory and I’m excited to see the path He puts me on in 2020.
What’s your word?!
Give it some thought and prayer before you choose. Choose a positive word….certainly nothing negative. A word that encourages some sort of positive self-growth and reflection. I think you’ll find when you select one and focus on it throughout the year it will direct you to explore and grow in that area.
And, that’s always a good thing.
Happy New Year, Sheri! Purposeful is a great choice!
Thanks, Deb! Hoping I can live up to the word!