Who doesn’t appreciate French Country Design??? Well, I suppose there are people who don’t. But, those are not my people. I can appreciate all types of design whether it’s something I’d want in my home or not. There is beauty in many styles, but my current style is French Country. And, in my master bedroom I’d go a step further and call it my French Country Farmhouse Bedroom or even my French Country Cottage. As a former interior designer who is used to designing spaces I took a LOT of time planning the design scheme in here and I have to tell you I am more than happy with the results. I absolutely love spending time in here whether its here at my desk or snuggling up in bed with a good book.

It’s my little retreat away from the world.
I’ve lived here for 27 years and my original style was sort of a traditional English Cottagey look I guess you could say. Then, when I grew tired of that and ready for a change I completely redesigned it and transformed it into a dark and cozy “Old World Suite”. But, after 8 years or so, the dark, cozy vibe of Old World began to feel more oppressive than cozy…..almost dark and brooding. So it was time for a change again. And, time to lighten and brighten after years of dark navy blue walls and heavy Old World.

The catalyst to set my wheels in motion with the color scheme was this chest beside my bed. It was in my Old World bedroom, but I still loved the French design and the color and I just wasn’t willing to part with it. So it was my inspiration piece and set the stage for everything else. The first thing I did was select my fabrics and what better fabric for a French Country Farmhouse look than toile. I wanted subtle, soft colors and this toile fabric from Hobby Lobby was just what I was looking for. I loved the pattern and the soft mint green with the tans and creams. It matched my chest perfectly. And, the bonus was that they had several coordinating fabrics that worked with it as well. French Country Farmhouse with a slant toward French Country Cottage is all about fabrics and pillows and softness and cozy, cozy, cozy.
I new I wanted lots and lots of pillows and I wanted to layer contrasting fabrics to create some interest and charm. And, as is customary for a French Country style I new I wanted drapes behind my bed to frame the bed and give some extra oomph and warmth.

This Greek key pattern was the only one not in the mix with the coordinates to go with the toile. But, I did find it at Hobby Lobby as well. And, as luck would have it, it was discontinued so I ended up having to go to three different Hobby Lobby’s to buy every last bit of fabric I could get my hands on. Exhausting, but well worth it! It is the perfect coordinate with the toile for drapes and for layering my pillows.

This isn’t the original bedspread I used. I originally had a custom bed skirt made out of a coordinating fabric and paired it with a matelassé coverlet. But, when I saw this bedspread with this ruffled skirt I knew it would be perfect. And, guess where I got it? Walmart! It couldn’t be more perfect for a French Country Cottage – don’t you agree? And, just as French Country is all about fabrics and pillows they generally layer the bedding with a lush comforter at the end of the bed. In my case I repeated the toile from the box pleat valance and the drapes behind the bed and the box pleat valance on the window. Box pleat valances are very common in French Country Design and yes they are still “in style” when designing a French Country themed room.

In addition to layers of patterns…..florals and feminine details like you see here with the candleholder and the picture frame are commonly used and French Country design. And, if you scroll up you’ll see the curvy, feminine detail in the lamps. All decidedly “French”. These books, by the way are a DIY and you can check out the process on my previous post here.

Other ways to bring in the French Country element is in little details like this French foot stool I use with my cushy club chair in the corner of the room. Don’t forget design is in the details…..every last one of them. And, the wrong detail can throw everything out of kilter in a space.

On the bed I added yet another floral in this weathered “old” box. Just a hint of cozy French Country charm to tie in with my theme. These flowers by the way came from none other than The Dollar Tree. No need to spend a fortune on details like this. When it’s time to climb in bed they get removed just like all the excess pillows. And, yes, for me it’s worth the extra effort to have all the French details to complete the look.

And, I certainly can’t forget this antique armoire. My very first “real” antique purchase in my twenties. I paid a whopping $1000.00 for it, which was a lot of money to me then (and now), but it was worth it. Never have I loved a piece more than this. It used to be a walnut stain, but when I transitioned my bedroom into a lighter and brighter French Country look I decided it was time to paint this piece an antique white. No regrets I can tell you that. I loved it before….I love it even more now.

This writing desk is also a piece I used in my Old World bedroom, but it definitely took on more of a French flair after I painted the dark walnut finish this antique white. It’s not uncommon in French design to incorporate a skirt under a desk, table or cabinet opening so adding this burlap skirt to hide my printer and files was the perfect “French” fit. A cozy, charming wall gallery is frequently done in French design so clustering these items together on my wall completed my “office” area and lent itself to the overall French Country design them. As does my fireplace and grate. Of course a fireplace isn’t necessary for a French Country bedroom, but it does add a certain element of French cozy charm. And, there is nothing better than a cozy fire on a chilly evening.

And, while his may not be decidedly “French”, a wood plank wall does lend itself to the overall design. Think old French farms in southern France. This is actually peel and stick planks from a company called Olde World Limited. The easiest thing in the world to hang and I love the authentic look about them.
This space was fun to design and continues to be a fun room to tweak and enjoy. It’s light and bright and the perfect space for me to slip away to after a long day. The cozy French vibe permeates the air in here with every piece of furniture, the fabrics and all the little details. Which is exactly what I envisioned when I designed the space.
I hope this has inspired you to consider a cozy French Country Cottage retreat of your own.
Happy Decorating!
I didn’t see where you said you got the rug…..I absolutely ❤️❤️❤️:)))))
Thank you! I should have mentioned that! I got this at Tuesday Morning for only $50.00!