It’s no secret that Chip and Joanna Gaines are all the rage these days. Their style, their charisma, their marriage, their family….people can’t get enough.
But what brought them to the forefront is her love of and wonderful ability to take the sort of “Farmhouse Chic” to another level of charm and chic altogether.
One of the showrooms at the World Trade Center screams of the now famous “Fixer Upper” style and I love, love, love to meander through it and see all the amazing pieces they have on display. In fact I learned that it’s one of her frequent stops and I can certainly see why. It’s called Park Hill and if you love the look of Farmhouse Chic you’d probably love every single thing they have in this showroom.
This amazing chaise/bed is one of the sweetest pieces I’ve seen there. Every time I go in there I stop and stare and sit and stare some more. I would love to have a place in my house to put something like this. Or at least a client’s house to put it in.
They are chock full of amazing oversized cabinets filled with fun trinkets and accessories.
How great is this vignette and everything in it?
Warm, rustic, cozy.
Perfect for Farmhouse Chic.
I just want to sit down here with a cup of hot tea and dream of a new house where I can have all these goodies for myself. I mean….how wonderful is this dining table?!
Love it all.
Want it all.
Lots of great ideas for holiday décor…..well, just décor in general.
Like this fun basket…
Or a simple shutter with a basket and a metal container hanging off of it…..
Or this enormous plate rack…
Or metal cake plates.
Burlap, metal, rustic, aged wood. These are the things to look for if Farmhouse Chic is the style you’re looking for.
(And it seems that all my younger clients are.)
It’s not hard to see why.
Each piece just sort of embodies warmth and character…
And kind of brings back that feeling of simpler times…
And who can’t use more of that?
I know I can.
You went without me:(((( The second pic looks like it would work for me, or was it too tall?
I just now saw this comment. Sorry! But, I don’t know how tall it is. We can find out though!