There is no way to go through this life and walk this earth without feeling pain at some point and time. Usually we will experience this more than once. And it’s not fun. Never is. As a family we’ve experienced the typical ups and downs that are common throughout life such as career changes and challenges, closing down a business, temporary income loss, etc. Some of which can rock your world and hurt your heart to the core. Then of course much bigger losses such as the loss of my father, the loss of my stepmother-in-law, the loss of a niece and a nephew and seeing the grief it caused my brother.
Heavy losses that rattle the soul.
But there is a pain that trumps all pain and that’s seeing your children in pain.
There’s just nothing stronger and more painful to a mother’s heart than seeing your children suffer. I’ve seen each of my children go through difficult times throughout the years and as always the tug on this mama’s heart was mighty and strong.
But, recent events have been the hardest so far. The pain of my daughter’s suffering was and is so great I can barely breathe at times. And, there is nothing I can personally do to make it any easier for her….nothing I can do to take the pain away.
And, that’s the hardest part of all.
When she was a little girl she could climb up in my lap and I could bandage her up, hold her, rock her until all was well with her world again. After a time she’d hop up and go play as if nothing ever happened at all.
How I wish it were that easy now.
As adults the hurts sometimes hurt too much. And, Mommy can no longer kiss and hug the pain away.
But, I CAN do what I always do in times of pain and that’s cry out to Lord in desparation and receive his comfort and embrace.
It’s the very first thing I always do.
Some of you may already be aware that I do a devotional every night on Instagram called “Sixty Seconds With Jesus”. I’ve been doing it every night for 2 1/2 years. I share a scripture and then do a quick discussion that lasts anywhere from 60 seconds to a couple of minutes.
So I decided to take the premise and put it in booklet form for my daughter so she could turn to it anytime she needed. It’s called “Sixty Seconds With Jesus…….Scriptures for a Broken Heart”. This way she or my son-in-law can pull it out whenever they might be feeling sad and read and quote these scriptures. There is power in the word of God and a supernatural peace and comfort that takes place from it.
Because I always turn to and find comfort in God’s word I felt like this was the best gift I could give her right now to help ease the pain and move her through it.
Here is the front cover with a black and white picture of my daughter and I:

Here’s what it actually looks like in the booklet form:

Below are some of the Bible verses I included in the booklet with a little explanation similar to what I might say on my Instagram stories when discussing the same verses. I had to shorten some of the explanations to fit them on the page, but the scriptures are in tact:

Pain is inevitable in this life. But, our comfort is in the Lord. He’s alive, he’s real, he loves us and he is ready to comfort and hold us and pull us through whatever pain we experience. These scriptures make it very evident that he more than understands our grief and pain. And, they also make it evident that he can and will comfort us if we open our hearts up to him. His ways are not our ways and we may never understand why certain things happen, but we can place our trust in him and receive his love.
If you’ve landed on this page because you are struggling with grief of your own it is my utmost prayer that God comfort you and gently guide you through your pain.
And, I pray you find comfort in these scriptures….God’s word. That is the sole purpose of these words being included in the Bible so many years ago. To comfort us today. God’s word is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. And the supernatural strength, love, comfort and peace with which they were written is here for you today.
May God bless you, comfort you and give you peace.