To say we will each look back at 2020 and take away from it what we learned individually is an understatement for sure.
It’s not a year we will soon forget.
We were each affected differently. Some more negatively than others, some not much at all. Some lost everything and still others soared financially in an unexpected gain. Some got COVID and recovered, others died. Some were caught up in riots and mayhem and violence that they never expected to be a part of. Others were untouched.
Some….between all of it….. just could not catch a break. When one issue ended another one began.
It’s hard to look at it all and take it all in with SO MUCH that went on. It’s the sort of heart-tugging, soul searching, body-aching kind of reality that rocked so many of us to the core. And, made others question their faith. Where was God in all this? Why doesn’t he stop it? Where is all this going? When is it going to end?
It was absolutely heart-wrenching to watch these crazy riots get out of control and innocent people that had nothing to do with any of it get caught up in the mayhem and suffer. At times my heart couldn’t take it and I would just have to turn the TV off and escape.
And then I would feel guilty that it was that easy for me to tune it out and walk away, but these people that were directly affected didn’t have that option. They were trapped in an ongoing nightmare….unable to tune it out, turn it off and break free.
So many innocent people caught in the crossfires.
I know that we are all reflecting…..that we all have our takeaways and that many of us were and are able to see some of the good that came out of it. In my own family I can count many blessings. My husband’s business continued as normal….in fact he had a great year. And, we are so deeply grateful for such a blessing. He was and is able to work from home which we’ve both found we really enjoy. Lots of togetherness, but we are okay with that.

My oldest son has been working from home since March which has enabled him to see his children more. Especially his two year old who gets to come out to his detached office, slip in the door and say “hi, daddy”. A blessing he is not taking for granted and one that always puts a smile on his face. He’s shared many a picture and video with us of her popping in to see him on our family text. Their family sporting events and activities were curtailed which enabled them to be less in a hurry, less stressed, less busy all the time and able to simply hang out as a family at home. And, with four children they’ve been able to keep themselves entertained for the most part. He said at the beginning of the lockdown his neighborhood looked like a 1950’s neighborhood with families constantly riding bikes or walking down the street together. Not a bad thing…..this lost art of leisurely family togetherness.
In a year filled with challenges…so refreshing to witness such unexpected moments of gratitude for such simple things.

My younger son was and is also able to work from home which has allowed him to see his new baby, born in June, off and on all day everyday. He loves being able to see her in the morning, during breaks, at lunch and immediately after work instead of spending thirty minutes driving home. His wife is so grateful that he’s been there instead of away eight to ten hours a day between work and commuting. Unexpected blessings during a dark time in history.

My daughter went from going into work everyday to working from home as well. She converted her guest room into an office and couldn’t have been happier with the change. She LOVES being able to work from home and see more of her hubby and her pooch.
This year has made me understand how little in life we have control of and how quickly things can change. That without trust in God and knowing he has a purpose in all things that life just wouldn’t make any sense. And, as difficult as it’s been there are a lot worse things that have happened throughout history than COVID and isolated riots. A lot worse. People have had to adjust and endure much greater hardships than this. I’ve learned than we can adjust, accept and deal with change even in the midst of uncertainty and fear. And that faith in God is crucial to peace of mind. Absolutely crucial.
As for my family, I think we all learned the value and the blessing of being able to spend time together… be able to hug again. Who’d have ever thought that simple act would be so deeply cherished? But, to have it taken away from us? Yep, getting such a simple act of love back, an ordinary hug….a blessing beyond words….something most of us never thought twice of before. We’re also grateful for being healthy….grateful to have jobs in the midst of so many layoffs, to still have a paycheck rolling in. Grateful that none of us so far has gotten COVID. Grateful for so many things… many things.
Blessings in the midst of darkness.
I’m grateful for my little family, for the love we share. Grateful that my children are doing okay, that everyone is healthy, that we all live close by and that they’re all best friends who love being together.

Throughout the world we’ve all circled our wagons and drawn our people closer – if not physically, then in our hearts. We’ve all enjoyed each other just a little more, cherished each other just a little more…worried about each other just a little more….appreciated each other a little more.
These are my people….these are who I live for, who I love….who I’d jump in front of a bullet for. COVID didn’t make me love them more, but it sure made me more aware and grateful for every second we have here on earth, every second we get to spend together, every hug.

I learned that nothing is to be taken for granted. Time is of the essence and not to be wasted. It’s a gift. We are all passing through this world like a breath of air. It’s to be seized and lived and loved – purposefully and with intention.
If 2020 has taught us anything it’s not to take freedom for granted. Freedom to live, love and just be!
Here’s to lessons learned in 2020 and hope, health and happiness in 2021!