Wouldn’t it be nice if everyday were as serene and peaceful as a sunrise or sunset on the beach? No worries, no anxiety, no fear. Just a spiritual peace and calm day in and day out. Nothing but joy and rest. Well that’s what we have to look forward to in the next life, but here….while we walk this earth….we are certain to face trying, challenging times. It’s inevitable that we will face situations that riddle us with dread and trepidation. God says it clearly in John 16:33, “I have told you these things so that in me you will have peace. In this world you will have trouble But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
Conquering Anxiety And Fear
Anxiety and fear are part of life. There’s no escaping it. Learning how to cope with it is vastly important; and battling it with scripture is essential. It’s the secret to achieving and maintaining the ability to conquer its grip as well as its tendency to consume us.
Isn’t it interesting that happy thoughts are so much more fleeting….much more likely to run their course quickly, but fearful, anxious thoughts can grab hold and paralyze us. They can seize us mercilessly and not let go.
Thankfully God has provided the tools we need to escape that hold. It’s in his word. The Bible. He knew we would face tribulation here and he provided the comfort, care and guidance we can draw from when we’re in the midst of the turmoil. How loving and kind is that? You may ask……well, why allow tribulation and turmoil in the first place? There’s a multitude of reasons for this…..largely the result of man turning their backs on the creator in the first place which results in allowing the enemy a foothold to bring in sin and turmoil.

Learning To Control Our Thoughts
God tells us we need to learn how to control our thoughts. Did you know that? It’s been in the Bible all these years and modern day science has now caught up with it. Controlling our thoughts is key. Proverbs 23:7 says, “As someone thinks within himself, so he is.” Or Proverbs 4:23, “Be careful how you think; your life is shaped by your thoughts.” Colossians 3:2 says, “Set your mind on things that are above, not on things that are on earth.”
This is the creator of the universe’s handbook to life here on earth. If God says it in his word you can be assured it’s true. Our thoughts can be a curse or a blessing. And if you have your doubts about that remember neuroscientists today will back it up. Learning to control your thoughts is life changing. It seems hard….and it is sometimes….but it can be done.

Memorizing Scripture Creates A Supernatural Force
Do you read the Bible? If so, do you memorize scripture? Because having an arsenal of scripture to recall when you need it most is a huge weapon against fear and anxiety. So I would advise you to start trying to memorize some key scriptures on the subject. Like the ones I’m including in this blog post. At the very least screenshot them and keep them on your phone so that you can pull them up at a moments notice. Don’t forget that the Bible is alive with his spirit so there is true strength in the words. Real strength.
If you’ve never heard of Richard and Sabrina Wurmbrand and their incredible life story I would love to recommend to you their book called Tortured For Christ. Or if you prefer to go to YouTube and search their story it’s a gripping account detailing their experience in the most horrific situations…dealing with their deepest fears. But, the beautiful message in their story is how they faced all this with their faith and trust in God in tact. Leaning into scripture and prayer constantly they were able to survive the most dire of circumstances and the most overwhelming feelings of fear and anxiety. The likes of which most of us will never know. We can learn a LOT from them.
One thing in particular that helped them survive those very dark years was the ability to recall scripture. Memorizing scripture is something we should all be doing more of. Because in those arduous moments when we’re alone, afraid or in danger, with no access to his word, being able to recall his message is absolutely key to mastering our fear and anxiety. What is essential to understand is that the Bible isn’t like other books. God’s words are as alive today as the day they were written. They are God breathed, God inspired, God blessed. And there is supernatural strength in them for those who lean in, draw near and have faith in God.
Nothing mystical, magical or fairytale like about it, but a real godly, spiritual, supernatural force in his words. We just need to read it, believe it and receive it.
Scriptures For Fear And Anxiety

Like I said, memorizing scripture is the best way to conquer fear and anxiety, because you can recall them at a moments notice…..cling to them, lift them up to the Lord, receive his strength through them without having to rely on your phone, the Bible itself, or written notes. There are times we might find ourselves in fearful situations where we have no access to anything, but our memories. And, you only have to read the account of Richard and Sabrina Wurmbrand’s harrowing experience to realize the value and strength in this. Hopefully none of us will find ourselves in their situation, but there are challenges in this world all around us where it would benefit us to know God’s word at heart.
Hopefully these five scriptures can be added to your arsenal to fight any fear and anxiety you may be facing now or in the future. Like God says, we will have trouble, but he has promised to overcome.
God Bless You and Happy Life By Design!
I’m so glad I read this entry in your blog. Reassuring, hopeful and encouraging. You are so right about scripture and keeping in His word. I saved these scriptures and will work on memorizing.
Thank you again. Blessings to you and your family.
I’m so glad you find it helpful Sandy! 🙌🏼🙌🏼 Blessings!